Monday, November 17, 2008

Shadows Fall's Jason Bittner on The Underworld

I've been way behind, but trust me!! It's worth the wait.

This episode of The Underworld Radio Show is chock full o' minerals, vitamins, and tasty, tasty EVIL.

I was priviledged to speak with Jason Bittner, drummer extrodinaire of Shadows Fall. The conversation is a bit stilted in points, because I'm a big freaking loser like that. Jason was cool, and I love his power, style, and speed.

In the second hour, we talk with Al Wolfson - the lead singer of Devil's Champion. He's got a bitchin' new project that's perfect for all you lovelorn headbangers out there. If you're looking for that perfect tattooed guy or chick, you have to go to his new website Rock 'N Roll Dating.

Check out the podcast. You're priest will damn you for it. And that will make me grin.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That 10 Mile Burial band has a pretty fresh sound! I'll have to keep an eye on them. And as always, "World Loves a Tragedy" is a great tune.

If I see any non-crackhead Iron Maiden Dragonforce bassist lookalikes, I'll pass 'em your way!

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant to put "Iron Maiden-liking" in that last post.

12:52 PM  

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